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Immortal life

Once upon  a time there lived a wizard. His name was Wazard. He lived in one of the Northern kingdoms in his cabin in the moor. He had been studying magic for a long time. He was a really powerful wizard and could perform a lot of magic tricks. His magic book was very big and he was proud that he had written it himself. His biggest experiment was called “How to win over the older”.  He had done a lot of experiments, but he couldn`t do what he did in his dreams. He could do a lot of things that a lot of other witches or wizards couldn`t even think of, such as transforming mercury into gold. Once he thought that he didn`t have any herbs that he needed for the formula that he wanted. He went to a big city called Bighold as he had heard that the king of that country, Harold by name, owned a big herbaria. When Wazard came up to the gates of the castle he saw two soldiers standing there. He asked the warriors to open the gates, but they refused to let him in, saying that the king couldn`t t

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