A letter to my friend

Good morning, dear friends! I invite you to join us in our tour of "The Beatles's" history. I hope you'll know many interesting things about "The Beatles", their lives and their songs.

I remind you of some fasts from their life.
"Beatles" was formed in Liverpool in 1959. The members of the group: Paul McCartney (b. 1942; vocal, bass guitar, key), John Lennon (1940-1980; vocal, guitar, accordion, key), George Harrison (1943-2001; vocal, guitar, sitar, key), Ringo Starr (b. 1940; vocal, shock, percussions, key; joined the group in 1962). The group brought in considerable contribution to development of fate-music, stipulating its transition from dancing-entertaining in the sphere of art.
In June 1965 "For the prominent contribution to the matter of prosperity of Great Britain" the English queen awarded the musicians with order of the "British" empire. The ceremony of rewarding took place on October 26 in the Buckingham palace (in 1969 year J. Lennon retuned its order as a token of protest against approval by Great Britain war in Vietnam).
For me the "Beatles" forever! They unite the people of different generations and different ages, because their music is wonderful, kind and exciting.

George Harrison
George Harrison was born on February 25, 1943 in Liverpool, England to Louise and Harold Harrison. He has two brothers and one sister.
George started a band with his brother Peter and a friend. His band was called "The Rebels". After a while he played in a band called "The Les Stewart Quartet». George also played a few performances with "The Quarry Men" with his friend Paul.
George met Pattie Boyd while filming "A Hard Day's Night", and George and Pattie were married on January 21, 1966. Dhani Harrison (George Harrison's son) was born on August 1 1979, at the instigation of Yoko Ono. It's called "Strawberry Fields".
In the time of the 1980's George Harrison was a part of the group called "The Travelling Wilbur's"

John Lennon

John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940 in Liverpool, England and Alfred Lennon. John Lennon's first group was called the Quarry Men. John Lennon married Cynthia Powell on August 23, 1962 and a son Julian. John met Yoko Ono in the Inca Gallery. John and Yoko Ono in the Inca Gallery. John and Yoko were married on March 20, 1969. John and Yoko had one son, Sean Lennon, who was born on John's 35 birthdays, October 9, 1975. On December 8, 1980, John Lennon was killed outside his home in New York City's Central Park. The tribute was built.

Paul McCartney
James Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942, in Liverpool, England. He was a first child of Mary and Jim McCartney and he has a younger brother Michael.
Paul McCartney met Linda Eastman and they were married in 1969; then Paul becomes a father of four children: Heather, Stella, Mary and James.
Paul McCartney's first solo album was called "McCartney", and was released in the spring of 1970. «Ram» and «Wild Life», both, followed it in 1971. After that Paul and Linda went on to form the group "Wings". The new band existed from 1971 to 1981 and consisted of 5 people, Paul and Linda McCartney, Denny Lane, Jimmy McCullough, and Joe English (during 10 years the band changed its staff many times).
Did you know that Paul McCartney has sold more records than any other single musician? He has close to 50 songs that were million-sellers. Many of Paul's later releases were available in a unique 12-inch maxi-single format. They are considered highly collectable.
In April 17,1998 Linda McCartney died after a long and hard fight against breast cancer; after that Paul released a new album "Wide Prairie", dedicated to his wife Linda.
In 1999 Paul McCartney has become a grandfather; His daughter, Mary, got married and gave a life to a son, Arthur.
In April 31, 1999 McCartney opened his first picture exhibition in Siege, Germany.
Paul and his girlfriend Heather Mills were married in 2002 and gave life to a son, Joseph.
In 2003 Paul McCartney gave a great concert on the Red Square in Moscow.
Now Paul McCartney is going on a tour, but it won't be earlier then in year 2005.


Please, Please Me
Love Me Do
A Hard Day's Night
All My Loving
And I Love Her
She Loves You
Rock And Roll Music
Can't Buy Me Love
Eight Days A Week
Eleanor Rigby
Back In The U.S.S.R
Here There And Everywhere
Hey Jude
If I Fell
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
In My Life
Let It Be
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
The Fool On The Hill
When I'm Sixty-Four
Yellow Submarine
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Come Together
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Penny Lane
Strawberry Fields Forever
Revolution 9
Get Back
Ob-la-did, Ob-la-ad
Became Mucho
Hello Little Girls
Love Of The Loved
The Ballad Of John And Yoko
Old Brown Shoe

Here you can see drawings made by my hand and read my composition of epistolary genre, devoted to Paul McCartney: "A letter to my friend"

"A letter to my friend"
Dear mar. McCartney!
How do you do?
I am Igor! A am an admirer of your talent, your unknown, but devoted friend.
Long ago, when I didn't know the history of "Beatles" I intended to write the same letter as this and address it to all the members of "Beatles". Now I know, that you can't read it together because some of you have gone forever. And now I can open my concealed feelings only for you my dear Paul!
You and "Beatles" are my favourite musicians. Besides music I like you and "Beatles" as interesting people.
Once Ringo said that he wanted to be perceived as a man but not Ringo musician. He wanted to be Richy who wasn't loaded daily by contracts and who hadn't to run away from his funs as a "doctor". He wanted to be a simple man, to go to the cinema or to the shop.
I look at you and "Beatles" as people having personal advantages and disadvantages, people who are able to love and hate, who have real friends and enemies.
I am sure that your creation always will be deeply concerned about me because when I listen to your music it pictures in my mind a magic world of sounds and me.
I risk to confess you that I am acquainted with the spirit of creation. I am found of drawing and I am afraid that this enthusiasm is forever.
Sometimes I catch my mind that my hand draws on a clean sheet of paper some portrait images without my wish and impulse. It becomes a little bit dangerous but interesting at the same time. Isn't a conception of talent given by nature...?
Dear Paul! "Are you acquainted with such feeling?" But as for me I am afraid of this feeling for some reason... I send my drawings of "Beatles". Please, be my authoritative judge (as I know about your second passion for painting). I don't like people who evaluate the creation as a haste for the leadership. And it is more horrible when people say that the singer has rich patrons and that's why he is famous for a long time. Your talent is not subjected to low judgment. People remember you simple fellows who have brought to the culture something new unusual and exciting the soul. You have rejected the war and violence and come forward for peace. Everybody from "Beatles" is unusual and attractive by his own way. But you, Paul, are very unusual person. You have a lot of contradictions that sometimes it seems unusual a little. You are a tender man with the soft appearance and vulnerable at the same time. To my mind as nobody else you can decide all the problems easy and go through the loss of your close people (wife Linda, John, your best friend) courageously. In spite of all you give me the vitae lessons of courage and make me not to loose heart.
When I listen your music it makes me think of some fragments of your life. I catch my mind that the sounds of music are you reflection. Besides you have a brilliant sense of humour. When you have visited America and you were asked a question; "What would you like to take home with you?" You have answered without any confusion; "Rockefeller's centre". ""Bravo", Paul!"
It's a pity, but I have no your real photo and autograph. You see it's not principal. I do like you, you are my hero.
I would like to be born forty years before and in other country where it was allowed to listen to you, but not a parody of "Beatles". My impracticable dream is to see the young handsome stylish gays who tried to better the world by their creation. Offensively that my contemporaries never see these stylish haircuts, never hear wonderful pronunciation. I imagine those people who has seen and felt it.
A great many say that "Beatles" have died and never rise from the dead but I think it isn't so.
"Beatles" is the great novel telling us about legendary "magnificent four". Two chapters "George and John" from this novel are over but two of it "Paul and Ringo" are left yet.
All the time it was the dream of my life to meet you Paul but I know that it is not impossible. But never the less the hope is being died the last. May be the wonder will take place, won't it? The earth is round and all my life is it front.



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